Player Roster
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Last Name | First Name | Division | Entry # | Affiliation |
Amundson | Kate | 14-15 | 39 | Sioux Falls |
Amundson | Scott | 14-15 | 39 | Sioux Falls |
Batta | Sam | 16-18 | 58 | Watertown |
Batta | Tom | 16-18 | 58 | Watertown |
Beagle | Jay | 16-18 | 59 | Lead |
Beagle | Taylor | 16-18 | 59 | Lead |
Bohling | Aaron | 12&13 | 88 | Watertown |
Bohling | Ethan | 12&13 | 88 | Watertown |
Boltjes | Brody | 14-15 | 40 | Platte |
Boltjes | Tom | 14-15 | 40 | Platte |
Boomsma | A. John | 14-15 | 41 | Wessington |
Boomsma | Austin | 14-15 | 41 | Wessington |
Burr | Jade | 16-18 | 60 | Belle Fourche |
Burr | Susan | 16-18 | 60 | Belle Fourche |
Cadwallader | Jakob | 14-15 | 42 | Rapid City |
Cadwallader | Ryan | 14-15 | 42 | Rapid City |
Carpenter | Cade | 16-18 | 61 | Mitchell |
Carpenter | Travis | 16-18 | 61 | Mitchell |
Carr | Al | 14-15 | 43 | Vermillion |
Carr | Alexandra | 14-15 | 43 | Vermillion |
Carr | David | 11-Under | 1 | Vermillion |
Carr | Stephanie | 11-Under | 1 | Vermillion |
Charron | Steve | 11-Under | 87 | Huron |
Conzet | Katie | 14-15 | 44 | Rapid City |
Conzet | Steve | 14-15 | 44 | Rapid City |
Daiss | Josh | 11-Under | 2 | Hill City |
Daiss | Leo | 11-Under | 2 | Hill City |
Duncan | Elizabeth | 16-18 | 62 | Sioux Falls |
Duncan | Troy | 16-18 | 62 | Sioux Falls |
Eggebraaten | Hank | 16-18 | 63 | SIoux Falls |
Eggebraaten | Steve | 16-18 | 63 | SIoux Falls |
Enderson | Matt | 16-18 | 64 | Sioux Falls |
Enderson | Philip | 16-18 | 64 | Sioux Falls |
Everson | Garett | 14-15 | 45 | Sioux Falls |
Everson | Steve | 14-15 | 45 | Sioux Falls |
Finn | Brian | 16-18 | 65 | Tea |
Finn | Mickey | 16-18 | 65 | Tea |
Grevlos | Mike | 16-18 | 66 | Sioux Falls |
Grevlos | Will | 16-18 | 66 | Sioux Falls |
Grout | Sam | 14-15 | 46 | Spearfish |
Grout | Waylon | 14-15 | 46 | Spearfish |
Guischer | Kaden | 11-Under | 3 | Madison |
Guischer | Tony | 11-Under | 3 | Madison |
Hammer | Bryan | 16-18 | 67 | Sioux Falls |
Hammer | Bryce | 16-18 | 67 | Sioux Falls |
Heiberger | DJ | 12&13 | 21 | Sioux Falls |
Heiberger | Joe | 12&13 | 21 | Sioux Falls |
Heig | Hayden | 11-Under | 4 | Rapid City |
Heig | Nick | 11-Under | 4 | Rapid City |
Hettick | Chris | 12&13 | 22 | Selby |
Hettick | Trayten | 12&13 | 22 | Selby |
Hibbert | Dewayne | 14-15 | 47 | Watertown |
Hibbert | Gavin | 14-15 | 47 | Watertown |
Hilgenberg | Jack | 12&13 | 23 | Sioux Falls |
Hilgenberg | Kim | 12&13 | 23 | Sioux Falls |
Holbrook | Jim | 12&13 | 24 | Sioux Falls |
Holtz | Gregg | 16-18 | 83 | Piedmont |
Honner | Luke | 12&13 | 24 | Sioux Falls |
Honner | Max | 16-18 | 68 | Sioux Falls |
Honner | Scott | 16-18 | 68 | Sioux Falls |
Horning | Dustin | 11-Under | 5 | Rapid City |
Horning | Rylan | 11-Under | 5 | Rapid City |
Hotzler | Jared | 11-Under | 6 | Clear Lake |
Hotzler | Matthew | 11-Under | 6 | Clear Lake |
Jackson | Cole | 11-Under | 87 | Sioux Falls |
Jansa | Reese | 12&13 | 25 | Sioux Falls |
Jansa | Ryan | 12&13 | 25 | Sioux Falls |
Jewett | Drew | 16-18 | 69 | Belle Fourche |
Jewett | Steve | 16-18 | 69 | Belle Fourche |
Karst | Carter | 14-15 | 48 | Fort Pierre |
Karst | Paul | 14-15 | 48 | Fort Pierre |
Kelsey | Kurt | 12&13 | 26 | Oacoma |
Kelsey | Maxwell | 12&13 | 26 | Oacoma |
Kennedy | Alison | 11-Under | 7 | Spearfish |
Kennedy | Scott | 11-Under | 7 | Spearfish |
Keszler | JD | 16-18 | 70 | Sturgis |
Keszler | Steve | 16-18 | 70 | Sturgis |
Kolb | Justin | 16-18 | 71 | Sioux Falls |
Kolb | Todd | 16-18 | 71 | Sioux Falls |
LaFayette | Dean | 11-Under | 8 | Spearfish |
LaFayette | Rob | 11-Under | 8 | Spearfish |
Lesselyoung | Alex | 16-18 | 72 | Rapid City |
Lesselyoung | Jon | 16-18 | 72 | Rapid City |
Lesselyoung | Sam | 14-15 | 49 | Rapid City |
Lesselyoung | Veronica | 14-15 | 49 | Rapid City |
Lundin | Eric | 16-18 | 73 | Sioux Falls |
Lundin | Jack | 16-18 | 73 | Sioux Falls |
Lunn | Cory | 11-Under | 9 | Brookings |
Lunn | Tyson | 11-Under | 9 | Brookings |
Lust | David | 16-18 | 74 | Rapid City |
Lust | Nicholas | 16-18 | 74 | Rapid City |
McBurnett | Tyler | 16-18 | 75 | Spearfish |
McCormick | Peter | 14-15 | 50 | Sioux Falls |
McCormick | Shannon | 14-15 | 50 | Sioux Falls |
McVay | Jamie | 16-18 | 76 | Sturgis |
McVay | Tice | 16-18 | 76 | Sturgis |
Messick | Ryan | 11-Under | 11 | Rapid City |
Messick | Zane | 11-Under | 11 | Rapid City |
Meyerink | Allison | 11-Under | 10 | Mitchell |
Meyerink | Jeff | 11-Under | 10 | Mitchell |
Mock | Craig | 14-15 | 51 | Mitchell |
Mock | Masy | 14-15 | 51 | Mitchell |
Muller | Brad | 12&13 | 27 | Beresford |
Muller | Maiya | 12&13 | 27 | Beresford |
Munson | Eric | 12&13 | 38 | Tea |
Munson | Joseph | 16-18 | 77 | Tea |
Munson | Sidney | 12&13 | 38 | Tea |
Newborg | Darren | 12&13 | 28 | Tea |
Newborg | Keeton | 12&13 | 28 | Tea |
Newborg | Kolby | 16-18 | 77 | Tea |
Nolan | Josh | 16-18 | 86 | Rapid City |
Nolan | Ryan | 16-18 | 86 | Rapid City |
O'Connor | Finn | 12&13 | 29 | Rapid City |
O'Connor | Sean | 12&13 | 29 | Rapid City |
Olson | Doug | 12&13 | 30 | Watertown |
Olson | Jake | 12&13 | 30 | Watertown |
Pasqualucci | Sandi | 16-18 | 79 | Rapid City |
Peterson | Halle | 11-Under | 12 | Rapid City |
Peterson | Scott | 11-Under | 12 | Rapid City |
Phares | Scott | 12&13 | 31 | Rapid City |
Phares | Tanna | 12&13 | 31 | Rapid City |
Roberston | Willis | 12&13 | 33 | Vermillion |
Roberts | Jesse | 12&13 | 32 | Brookings |
Robertson | Dave | 12&13 | 32 | Brookings |
Robertson | Jonathan | 12&13 | 33 | Vermillion |
Sabers | Ainsley | 14-15 | 52 | Sturgis |
Sabers | Scott | 14-15 | 52 | Sturgis |
Sack | Johnnie | 16-18 | 75 | Spearfish |
Salter | Adam | 16-18 | 78 | Rapid City |
Salter | Jeff | 16-18 | 78 | Rapid City |
Sandness | Bo | 12&13 | 34 | Sioux Falls |
Sandness | Morgan | 12&13 | 34 | Sioux Falls |
Sanford | Bill | 12&13 | 35 | Sioux Falls |
Sanford | William | 12&13 | 35 | Sioux Falls |
Sarmiento | Leo | 11-Under | 13 | Sioux Falls |
Sarmiento | Liam | 11-Under | 13 | Sioux Falls |
Schnabel | Harper | 11-Under | 14 | Mitchell |
Schnabel | Jared | 11-Under | 14 | Mitchell |
Sliper | Mike | 14-15 | 53 | Rapid City |
Sliper | Nick | 14-15 | 53 | Rapid City |
Stalley | George | 11-Under | 15 | Pierre |
Stalley | Jennifer | 11-Under | 15 | Pierre |
Strain | Braeden | 11-Under | 16 | Rapid City |
Strain | Joe | 11-Under | 16 | Rapid City |
Struckman | Bailee | 12&13 | 36 | Sioux Falls |
Struckman | Lonnie | 12&13 | 36 | Sioux Falls |
Sudenga | Jason | 12&13 | 37 | Sioux Falls |
Sudenga | Sara | 12&13 | 37 | Sioux Falls |
Swartz | Amanda | 11-Under | 17 | Rapid City |
Swartz | Jackson | 11-Under | 17 | Rapid City |
Swartz | Jonah | 14-15 | 54 | Rapid City |
Swartz | Michael | 14-15 | 54 | Rapid City |
Taylor | Danae | 11-Under | 18 | Rapid City |
Taylor | James | 11-Under | 18 | Rapid City |
Trohkimoinen | Erin | 16-18 | 79 | Rapid City |
Tupper | Max | 14-15 | 55 | Mitchell |
Tupper | Ryan | 14-15 | 55 | Mitchell |
Van Gerpen | Andrew | 16-18 | 80 | Pierre |
Van Gerpen | Charlie | 16-18 | 80 | Pierre |
Vande Kop | Dylan | 11-Under | 19 | Brookings |
Vande Kop | Monte | 11-Under | 19 | Brookings |
Varland | Al | 14-15 | 56 | Lead |
Varland | Kayd | 14-15 | 56 | Lead |
Von Bergen | Hunter | 16-18 | 81 | Sioux Falls |
Von Bergen | Mike | 16-18 | 81 | Sioux Falls |
Wiegel | Corey | 16-18 | 82 | Huron |
Wiegel | Nolan | 16-18 | 82 | Huron |
Wit | Richard | 14-15 | 57 | Rapid City |
Wit | Taylor | 14-15 | 57 | Rapid City |
Wolter | Devin | 16-18 | 83 | Piedmont |
Young | Jason | 16-18 | 84 | Rapid City |
Young | John | 16-18 | 85 | Rapid City |
Young | Mac | 16-18 | 85 | Rapid City |
Young | Natalie | 16-18 | 84 | Rapid City |